Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How old are you??!!

Mr. Christopher is 2 going on 22. He also thinks he's the boss around here and is not happy when he realizes that I am! He is constantly telling Nicholas what he can and can't do. "It's OK, Nicholas, you can have a snack," Christopher says two seconds after I say no. Then I say, "No you can't, we are going to eat dinner." To which Christopher replies, "I don't care MOMMY! I said yes he can!" To which I roll my eyes, give Nicholas the go ahead and try it stare, and continue on my merry way. How did this kid get so smart??

Friday, August 07, 2009


So much is happening in Christopher's life these days. He just had his tonsils and adnoids out as well as tubes put in his ears. He no longer wants to wear pajamas so he either wears clothes to bed or just his diaper. His favorite words are "I don't care" and "Boys, stop it" gee, I wonder where he heard that one? He also thinks that Jabu is "my dog" and not Uncle Markie's. He loves sharks and fish, which is a great change from the days of the trucks with Nicholas. Christopher has to choose what he is wearing every day and won't let me pick any more which means he never matches. :)

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Poor baby

My poor little Christopher is headed for more tubes in his ears and his tonsils to be taken out. The poor little guy can not catch a break. Even though he is in pain he still continues to be happy go lucky. He is so amazing. How a little guy can tolerate so much pain yet still be so happy and so much fun to be around amazes me. I can't wait to see how happy he is when the surgery is over and he is recovered. It's time for the things to start going right for this little guy.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Christopher is about start a new adventure of his own - daycare! I think it will be good for him, I haven't been able to give him what I gave Nicholas - the trips to the Zoo and Aquarium, playgroup, gymboree, and playdates. I guess since the kids are so different the way they grow up is going to be different. I think that the exposure to other kids, the learning, the structure, it will all be good for him because that is what his little personality needs. Hopefully he won't grow up to resent me because he had to go to daycare and Nicholas never did. I guess only time will tell, and anyway, everyone needs something to talk to their future therapist with so they don't waste their money, so in the long run I am doing him a huge favor!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Christopher is learning how to swim. Actually, he has learned how to swim underwater over the past week, he is still working on floating on his back and relaxing. He is going to see Miss Katja, the swimming guru, who taught Nicholas, Sebatien, and Hannah how to swim. It was really hard to watch him until he figured out how great it is to be able to swim by himself! He really hates floating on his back, I am not sure how she is going to get him to stop fighting her. She will though, she always does!

Sunday, March 01, 2009


Christopher is so his mother's son. While Nana was here, he put a bead up his nose. This is along the lines of the time I put raisins up my nose when I was small. When I was little, I ate a poisonous mushroom in the backyard. The other day, Christopher ate two antacids that I wasn't sure whether they would be poisonous or not. He ate only the frosting off of the piece of birthday cake he had, so like his me it isn't even funny! He eats candy all the time, just like me, though I really shouldn't let him, I know. Together we enjoy eating the frosting right out of the can with a spoon while we watch TV. I hope he doesn't become addicted to romance novels or need stitches - those are two things that we could do without!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Here is what we talk about all day every day -

C: Joe has snakes.
Me: Yes, Joe has snakes.
C: Mark has snakes.
Me: Yes, Uncle Mark has a snake.
C: Pop at work.
Me: Yes.
Me: Yes, Pop is at work.
C: Mark at work.
Me: Yes, Mark at work.
C: Joe at work.
Me: Yes, Joe at work.
C: Joe boat.
Me: Yes.
Me: Yes, Joe has a boat.
C: Mark boat.
Me: (sigh) Uncle Mark does not have a boat.

I could go on and on but I think you get the picture!